Create/edit quiz
Quiz parameters are grouped by categories and it is possible to switch between them using tabs. Four groups of parameters are available:
oMain settings contains main parameters like quiz name, description, category and etc.
oAccess and Security contains parameters which are used to limit access to quiz.
oAdditional settings contains parameters which are used during a quiz to disable/enable features like skip questions, show calculator and etc.
oResults settings contain parameters which are used at the end of a quiz to determine what text to show, print template, email template, show or not user and correct answers and etc.
See description of each parameter below.
Main settings
•ID is record number in the database. Can be used by a 3rd party extension to manipulate with the entity.
•Name is a name of the quiz.
•Status is quiz status. If the quiz is published, it will be available on frontend otherwise users can not take the quiz.
•Category is a quiz category to which the quiz belongs to. The quiz can be assigned to a quiz category if you want to divide quizzes by topics or inherit ACL rules from selected quiz category. It is also possible to show quizzes from a category on frontend and etc.
•Passed Score % is a minimum score in percent which should earn an user to pass the quiz succefully.
•Total time is a time limit in seconds during which an user can take the quiz. Set the parameter to 0 if you don't want to set a time limit for the quiz.
• Question time limit is a time limit in seconds per question during which an user can get an answer to a question. Set the parameter to 0 if you don't want to set a time limit.
• Question count is a numer of questions which will be selected on frontend from questions pool. Set the parameter to 0 if you want to select all questions.
•Random questions is used to specify should the extension show questions in random order on frontend or not.
•Description is a description which will be shown on quiz page on frontend.
Access and Security
• Anonymous access is used if you want to show form with name and email fields on quiz page for guest users. If the parameter is set to "Yes", guest users can take the quiz anonymously. If the parameter is set to "No", guest users should fill name and email fields before taking the quiz. If the parameter is set to "By user's wish", guest users can enter their name and/or email before starting the quiz, but it is not required.
•Start immediately is used if you want to skip quiz description page and start the quiz immediately.
•Delay between attempts is a minimum period of time in second after which an user can take the quiz again. If you don't want to use this ability, set the parameter to 0. This parameter is also used for guest users who entered their email in the form before a quiz.
•Number of attempts is number of attempts to pass the quiz. If you don't want to limit number of attempts, set the parameter to 0. This parameter is also used for guest users who entered their email in the form before a quiz.
•Reset attempt count is used to specify period when attempt count will be reset and user can take the quiz again. If count is empty or set to 0, attempt count will not be reset.
•Start date is used to specify date before which users can't take the quiz. If a user starts the quiz before the date, s/he can continue it after the date, but it is possible to take the quiz again before the date. This parameter is also used for guest usisers who entered their email in the form before a quiz.
•End date is used to specify date after which users can't take the quiz. If a user starts the quiz before the date, s/he can continue it after the date, but it is possible to take the quiz again after the date. This parameter is also used for guest users who entered their email in the form before a quiz.
•Access is used to get access to the quiz only for user groups from the selected access level. If the parameter is set to "- Inherited -", Access parameter from quiz category will be used.
Additional settings
•"Skip" button is used to specify can users skip questions and return to them later or not.
•"Stop" button is used to specify can users stop a quiz session and continue it later or not.
•"Terminate" button is used to specify can users terminate currenct quiz session and start a new one or not.
•"Calculator" button is used to specify can users use built-in calculator or not.
• Parse plugin tags is used to specify possible to use Joomla! content plugins in questions or not. If the parameter is enabled, it is possible to use Joomla! content plugins in questions. It is useful if you want to embed video/audio files into questions and etc. This is experimental feature and we can't guaranteed that it will work with all content plugins.
•Show correct answers is used to specify should be correct answer(s) shown to an user immediately after answering a question or not.
• Show explanation is used to specify can a user see correct answer(s) with an explanation before answering a question or not.
•Answer enumeration is used to specify type of answer enumeration: "Numeric" is used for numeric sequence (1,2,3,...), "Alpha" is used for alpha sequence (a,b,c,... or A,B,C,...).
•No answer - no penalty is used to specify should the extension deduct penalty score if a user doesn't select an answer or not.
•Disable empty answers is used to disable ability to leave questions without answers.
•Show paging is used to show/hide paging panel during the quiz.
•Paging is used to specify how to show questions during the quiz. The following types are supported:
oOne question per page is used if you want to show each on a separate page.
oAll question on page is used if you want to show all questions on one page.
oSeparate by categories if this parameter is selected, questions from different question categories will be shown on separate pages. If question category contains a description, it will be shown on page with questions.
oCustom page size is used if you want to specify how many questions will be shown on a page.
Result settings
• Choose template type is used to select text template which will be shown at the end of the quiz, mail templat which will be used in mail which is sent to quiz taker at the end of the quiz and specify text template for print version of quiz complete page (it can be used to show a certificate).
oManual is used if you want to select templates manually.
■Successful template is text template which will be shown if a user passes the quiz successfully.
■Failed template is text template which will be shown if a user fails the quiz.
■Print successful template is text template which will be used for print version of quiz complete page if a user passes the quiz successfully.
■Print failed template is text template which will be used for print version of quiz complete page if a user failed the quiz.
■Mail successful template is mail template which will be used in mail which is sent to quiz taker at the end of the quiz if the quiz passes successfully.
■Mail failed template is mail template which will be used in mail which is sent to quiz taker at the end of the quiz if the quiz fails.
■Certificate successful template is text template which will be used for certificate in PDF format if a user passes the quiz successfully.
■Certificate failed template is text template which will be used for certificate in PDF format if a user failed the quiz.
oResult scale is used if you want to use result scale to set templates.
■Result scale is used to select result scale which will be used for the quiz.
• Show detailed results is used to specify when table with correct and user answers should be shown at the end of the quiz. It is possible to use the following values:
oNever - table with results will never be shown
oAlways - table with results will be shown always
oOn last attempt - table with results will be shown if it is last attempt to pass the quiz (see "Number of attempts" parameter). If "Number of attempts" is set to 0 or guest user takes the quiz, table with results will be shown always.
oOn success - table with results will be shown if a user passes the quiz successfully.
oOn fail - table with results will be shown if a user fails the quiz.
•Successful results is used to specify what questions should contain detailed results if a user passes the quiz successfully. It is possible to show all questions, show nothing, show questions that a user answered correctly or show questions that a user answered incorrectly. It is possible to use the following values:
oNone - show nothing.
oAll - show all questions.
oOnly correct answers - show questions that a user answered correctly.
oOnly wrong answer - show questions that a user answered incorrectly.
•Failed results is used to specify what questions should contain detailed results if a user doesn't pass the quiz. It is possible to show all questions, show nothing, show questions that a user answered correctly or show questions that a user answered incorrectly.
oNone - show nothing.
oAll - show all questions.
oOnly correct answers - show questions that a user answered correctly.
oOnly wrong answer - show questions that a user answered incorrectly.
•Hide correct answers is used to hide correct answers from a user on quiz results page.
•Auto send mail is used to specify should the extension send mail to a quiz taker after the quiz automatically or not.
•Notification email(s) is used to send mail to entered emails when a user finishes the quiz. If you want to enter several emails separate them with ; symbol.
•Template is used to select mail template which will be used for notification mail. If the parameter is set to "- None -", the notification mail will not be sent.
•User group is used to select user groups and the notification mail will be also sent to users from selected groups.