I am not able to undestand what happend. I discribe what I did:
I have the same site over two diferents domains. the first one is online and the second one it is a security backup.
In the first site everything is working right and I download it ftp way (as root) from the first site to upload the second one (as user) and itґs appear this message...:
Fatal error: Class 'AriJSONHelper' not found in /var/www/vhosts/cursos-online-fotografia.com/httpdocs/modules/mod_arisexylightbox/includes/kernel/SexyLightbox/class.SexyLightbox.php on line 57
(this site is online right now if you need to see.)
I have to said that i tried too download it as user and upload as user.
Can please help me.
I hope I explain propertly
Thanks a lot