Create/edit question category
Question category parameters are divided by groups and it is possible to switch between them using tabs. Two groups of parameters are available:
oMain settings contains main parameters like category name, description and etc.
oQuestion pool is used to load questions from question bank automatically.
See description of each parameter below.
Main settings
•ID is record number in the database. Can be used by a 3rd party extension to manipulate with the entity.
•Quiz is a quiz to which the category belongs to.
•Name is category name.
•Question time limit is a time limit in seconds per question during which an user can get an answer to a question. Set the parameter to 0 if you don't want to set a time limit. This parameter overrides Question time limit parameter from quiz settings for questions from the category.
•Question count is a number of questions which will be selected on frontend from the question categories. Set the parameter to 0 if you want to select all questions from the category.
•Description is a description of category. Value of this field is shown during a quiz on frontend if "Additional settings -> Paging" parameter in quiz settings is set to "Separate by categories".
Question pool
Use question pool if you want to add questions from question bank automatically. Choose bank category from what you want to add questions in 'Bank category' drop-down and how many questions should be selected from the category in 'Question count' parameter. If 'Question count' parameter is set to 0, all questions from the category will be selected.
If 'Bank category' is set to '- None -', this section will be ignored.